Home> Download sony Drivers> Download A4351324.EXE Drivers
Real Free Download A4351324.EXE driver file for sony
We Provide Real download link for A4351324.EXE driver file, you can download official sony A4351324.EXE drivers files free here, driver file size:1.57 MB, Just download A4351324.EXE driver files for your sony device now!
Download & Install Guide:
- Download the A4351324.EXE file to a temporary or download directory (please note this directory for reference).
- Go to the folder where the A4351324.EXE file was downloaded and double-click on the A4351324.EXE file.
- A self-extractor message box will open. Click on the Unzip button to extract the files to the C:WINDOWSTEMP directory.
- Click on OK to close the "unzipped successfully" message box.
- Click on Close in the Self-Extractor message box to close it.
- Open the Control Panel. Select the Display icon and open it.
- In Display Properties, click on the Settings tab.
- Click on the Advanced Properties button.
- In the Adapter tab section, click on the Change button.
- When the Select Device window opens, click on the Have Disk button.
- In the command line, enter C:WINDOWSTEMP and click on OK.
- Click on OK in the Select Device window. The software will copy the necessary files and load the new driver.
- Click on Apply in the Advanced Display Properties window.
- Click on OK.
- Click on Apply in the Display Properties window.
- Restart the computer when prompted.
- You may delete the files from your C:WINDOWSTEMP directory. You may wish to copy A4351324.exe.EXE onto a floppy to save it in case you need to reinstall this video driver.
What this drivers do:
This program will install an updated ATI 3D Rage II+ video driver.
Important Note:
- To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.
- It is highly recommended to print out these instructions as a reference during the installation process.
A4351324.EXE driver file for sony free download
Driver File Name | A4351324.EXE |
File Size: | 1.57 MB |
Download | Download Free Now |