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Home> Download sony Drivers> Download BIOSP02.EXE Drivers

Real Free Download BIOSP02.EXE driver file for sony

We Provide Real download link for BIOSP02.EXE driver file, you can download official sony BIOSP02.EXE drivers files free here, driver file size:361.34 KB, Just download BIOSP02.EXE driver files for your sony device now!

Download & Install Guide:

  1. Before installing this BIOS update, confirm the BIOS version that is currently installed in your computer. To do this, follow the steps below:
    1. During start up, press F3 when the screen displays the words "Press F3 for boot screen" to see the Boot Screen.
    2. Look at the fifth line that reads:4A3NT0X0.04A.0010.PO?..., where ? is the version number, either 1 or 2.
    3. If the version number displayed is "1", proceed with the steps below to update the BIOS to version P02.
  2. Download the BIOSP02.EXE file to a temporary or download directory (please note this directory for reference).
  3. Place a formatted floppy disk with no files on it into your A: drive.
  4. Go to the folder where the BIOSP02.EXE file was downloaded and double-click on the BIOSP02.EXE file.
  5. This file will self-extract into three files. Close the MS-DOS window.
  6. Double-click on INSTALL02.BAT.
  7. System files and BIOS P02 files will be copied to the floppy disk.
  8. When prompted, close all windows and restart the computer. Leave the floppy disk in the A: drive.
  9. The install program will automatically update the BIOS and restart the computer.
  10. When the upgrade is complete, there will be a message to remove the floppy and restart the computer. BIOS P02 will be installed.
  11. Label the floppy disk BIOS P02 and save it. It can be used to restore your BIOS should the need arise.
  12. You may delete the files created in your download directory.

What this drivers do:

This program installs an updated BIOS version.

Important Note:

  • To install this upgrade, you will need to create a formatted floppy disk to receive the installation files. To prepare a floppy disk for use with this update, please refer to the How To Format A Floppy Disk Or Create A Bootable Floppy Disk procedure.
  • To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.
  • It is highly recommended to print out these instructions as a reference during the installation process.

BIOSP02.EXE driver file for sony free download

Driver File Name BIOSP02.EXE
File Size: 361.34 KB
Download Download Free Now