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Home> Download sony Drivers> Download E1932124.EXE Drivers

Real Free Download E1932124.EXE driver file for sony

We Provide Real download link for E1932124.EXE driver file, you can download official sony E1932124.EXE drivers files free here, driver file size:2.49 MB, Just download E1932124.EXE driver files for your sony device now!

Download & Install Guide:

  1. Download the E1932124.EXE file to a temporary or download directory (please note this directory for reference).
  2. Go to the folder where the E1932124.EXE file was downloaded and double-click on the E1932124.EXE file.
  3. A self-extractor message box will open. Click on the Extract button to extract the files to the C:ESS directory.
  4. Click on Yes to create a C:ESS directory.
  5. Open the C:ESS directory where E1932124.EXE was extracted.
  6. Double-click on SETUP.EXE to run the ESS audio driver install program.
  7. Follow the prompts of the Setup program.
  8. Select "Upgrade drivers" and restart the computer when prompted.
  9. When the computer restarts, an Insert Disk message box will appear asking you to insert the Maestro PCI Audio Device Multimedia disk. Click on OK.
  10. When a message is displayed indicating that the program cannot find file A3D.Dll, enter C:ESS in the "Copy files from:" line and press Enter.
  11. If the program asks if you wish to keep your old Joystick Device, click Yes to continue.
  12. After the installation program finishes, the installation of the upgraded audio software is complete.
  13. You may delete the file from your download or temporary directory. You may wish to copy E1932124.EXE onto a zip disk to save it in case you need to reinstall this audio driver.

What this drivers do:

This utility installs an updated ESS Maestro Sound Driver.

Important Note:

  • To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.
  • It is highly recommended to print out these instructions as a reference during the installation process.

E1932124.EXE driver file for sony free download

Driver File Name E1932124.EXE
File Size: 2.49 MB
Download Download Free Now